今天的艺术表现是多元的,而审视艺术的方式更是多种体现,不妨去审美、审丑、审性、审暴力等等。值得庆幸,这整套体系下没有什么太多标准化的框架和约束, 这就给材料艺术留下了太多空间去想象;不妨在钟鼐的作品前多停留一会,审视艺术品的同时也是审视自己,看看你直觉里被唤起的冲动是什么。
碎片 . 交织 16 300cm x 600cm 综合材料
碎片 . 交织 10 200cm x 300cm 综合材料
在激烈的冲动过后人都会有一个温和的后效期,缓缓的退回另一个极端。就像书读多了,一个人呆时间长了,难免仰望星空,辗转向死而生,反复中自己也会从剧烈的色彩中走回来,从而更豁然些。但与此同时,另一种恐慌感又随即萌生,我们并非造物者,凡尘中如蝼蚁,浩瀚宇宙中渺如尘埃......, 这种没有预警的低潮随时随地的发生着,而我们,既无力轻生,不如倔强起来好好面对,做好自己的事儿,自爱,向死而生,爱人和仁爱吧。
童振刚 2024年08月16日晚22:38分写于北京工作室
< Spatial Awareness | Walking clues >
Art of Zhongnai
Today's artistic expression is diverse, and the way of examining art is even more diverse, such as aesthetics, ugliness, sexuality, violence, and so on. Thankfully, there are not too many standardized frameworks and constraints under this whole system, which leaves too much room for material art to imagine; Stay in front of Zhongnai's work for a while, and look at inner self , and see what impulses you are intuition aroused.
The speed of development of the world is more than 1,000 times that of the past 200 years, and it is the same in terms of science and humanities. It may be difficult for artists to answer the question of whether they are craftsmen, decorators, or businesses engaged in the creation of materials. Is art self-catharsis or philosophical reflection? Or is it the rational deconstruction of scientific and mathematical logic? Beyond these fences erected by boundaries, the creative process of art is to wait for the explosion of self-consciousness in a quasi-static brewing state of long-term chaos: the artist undresses himself like an indulgent sex, and has no self like the gods created the world. Rationality and sensibility are intertwined and transformed into works, and the materials are more based on dimensional space and the sense of contradiction and hedging, breaking away from the narrative tone of human culture.
After reading Zhongnai's recent material works and chatting with him, I have the above-mentioned fragmented impulses and thoughts, as a reference, I would like to tell you what to expect when approaching these works: a clue for an artist to walk when exploring the possibilities of materials; Like the sound of footsteps echoing in the space, it is either light and inspiring, or the hairs stand on end and are creepy. Different feelings and intuitions are direct reflections of strong sensory feedback. It's all warm and real.
After the intense impulse, people will have a mild after-effect period, and slowly retreat to the other extreme. Just like reading too many books, if you stay alone for a long time, you will inevitably look up at the starry sky, tossing and turning to death and life, and you will come back from the intense colors in repetition, so as to be more sudden. But at the same time, another sense of panic then sprouted, we are not the creator, mortal dust like ants, the vast universe is as small as dust...... this kind of low tide without warning occurs anytime and anywhere, and we, neither powerless to take a chance, it is better to be stubborn and face it well, do our own thing, self-love, live to death, love people and benevolence.
Back to art and waiting for the next impulse.
Tong Zhengang 2024-08-16 at 22:38 pm in Beijing studio
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