碎片 . 交织 13 150cm x 100cm 综合材料
我们知道艺术家致力于创作有思想的作品,这反过来又完成了艺术家的艺术生命,艺术创作中真正重要的是艺术家与艺术创作之间的关系, 展出的艺术品远非艺术家眼中的成品。 所谓的“艺术品”只是这个过程的产物或载体,艺术家可以以自然的方式选择材料并在创作过程中应用它们, 但这不是艺术家想要最终实现的。 艺术创作的过程是艺术家修心的旅程,这是艺术家通过艺术作品呈现出的最鼓舞人心的部分,艺术家的工作就像一个沉浸在冥想世界中的萨满,在探索和发现的过程中,总是把自己从起点推向起点,持久而颠覆,形成一个无限的过程。艺术创作是对一切经验的消解,是对创作零起点观念的追寻。
碎片 . 交织 8 100cm x 150cm 综合材料
艺术创作中,我习惯从作品的构思到制作的过程中追求一种“原发性”与“无目的性” , 淡化所谓明确的方向感, 随之而来的不确定性让所有的东西都变得模糊 , 但也正是这种模糊和不确定性, 不断引导我去发现那到底是什么。 通过反复与重复,使创作中冥想状态进入一种连续的循环模式, 在这个状态中不断的 自我否定、自我清晰与 自我认同 。
Hengwei Han
<Surprise, Fear and Uncertainty in Meditation>
"When I paint, I step into a world of exploration and adventure. When I wear my work clothes, the canvas or paper becomes a ticket to a mysterious journey, where surprises, fear or uncertainty await me ...... “
碎片 . 交织 9 300cm x 200cm 综合材料
A few years ago I made some changes in my artistic way of working and changed my research direction to explore a different path and follow the voice within me. This exhibition will be an opportunity to show, for the first time, the new artworks that I have created with my new creative thinking and artistic expression. The highlight of an exhibition does not lie in the exhibits. What really matters, in my opinion, is the relationship between the creator and the creation in the artist's own world, as expressed in those works. Artists dedicate themselves to creating thoughtful works, which in turn complete the life of the creator - they are, as it were, inseparable. Therefore, the artworks on display on the wall are far from what the artist sees as a finished object. This process, in which artists embark on a lifelong journey to cultivate the mind, is the most inspiring part of an art exhibition, which resembles a shaman immersed in meditation.
碎片 . 交织 1 100cm x 100cm 综合材料
Everything that happens in the process of creating and precentrating is about the artists themselves. Because so-called "works of art" are only products or carriers of the process. As such, the choice of materials, shapes, and colors is not as essential and can sometimes be neglected. We, the artists, can choose and apply all of them in a natural way, and apply techniques that we know or understand during creation; But they are not what we are trying to achieve.
碎片 . 交织 3 100cm x 100cm 综合材料
Artists always push themselves from the starting point to the origin during the exploration of art creation. Inheriting and undermining, forming an infinite process. Art creation is the digestion of all experiences and the search for the point-zero of creative ideas. The artistic images, repeated and reinterpreted, are also thrown into this process to achieve diversity and integration, so that an opportunity for transformation becomes visible when conventions are dethroned.
If I had to summarize in a short sentence what I focus on when making art and why it has become more abstract, it would be "returning to the context of art itself". Making art in this way, I try to get rid of all distracting thoughts. It is my hope to move away from complicated expression techniques so that I can focus on my art in an easier way.
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